# cartMetafieldsSet - storefront - MUTATION
Version: 2025-01

## Description
Sets cart metafield values. Cart metafield values will be set regardless if they were previously created or not.

Allows a maximum of 25 cart metafields to be set at a time.

### Access Scopes

## Arguments
* [metafields](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/input-objects/CartMetafieldsSetInput): CartMetafieldsSetInput! - The list of Cart metafield values to set. Maximum of 25.

The input must not contain more than `250` values.

## Returns
* [metafields](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/Metafield): Metafield The list of cart metafields that were set.
* [userErrors](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/MetafieldsSetUserError): MetafieldsSetUserError! The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.

## Examples