# products - storefront - QUERY
Version: 2025-01
## Description
Returns a list of the shop's products. For storefront search, use the [`search`](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/storefront/latest/queries/search) query.
### Access Scopes
## Arguments
* [after](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/String): String - Returns the elements that come after the specified cursor.
* [before](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/String): String - Returns the elements that come before the specified cursor.
* [first](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/Int): Int - Returns up to the first `n` elements from the list.
* [last](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/Int): Int - Returns up to the last `n` elements from the list.
* [query](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/String): String - You can apply one or multiple filters to a query.
| name | description | acceptable_values | default_value | example_use |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| available_for_sale | Filter by products that have at least one product variant available for sale. |
| created_at | Filter by the date and time when the product was created. | | | - `created_at:>'2020-10-21T23:39:20Z'`
- `created_at: - `created_at:<=2024` |
| product_type | Filter by a comma-separated list of [product types](https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/products/details/product-type). | | | `product_type:snowboard` |
| tag | Filter products by the product [`tags`](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/storefront/latest/objects/Product#field-tags) field. | | | `tag:my_tag` |
| tag_not | Filter by products that don't have the specified product [tags](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/storefront/latest/objects/Product#field-tags). | | | `tag_not:my_tag` |
| title | Filter by the product [`title`](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/storefront/latest/objects/Product#field-title) field. | | | `title:The Minimal Snowboard` |
| updated_at | Filter by the date and time when the product was last updated. | | | - `updated_at:>'2020-10-21T23:39:20Z'`
- `updated_at: - `updated_at:<=2024` |
| variants.price | Filter by the price of the product's variants. |
| vendor | Filter by the product [`vendor`](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/storefront/latest/objects/Product#field-vendor) field. | | | - `vendor:Snowdevil`
- `vendor:Snowdevil OR vendor:Icedevil` |
Learn more about [Shopify API search syntax](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/search-syntax).
* [reverse](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean - Reverse the order of the underlying list.
* [sortKey](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/enums/ProductSortKeys): ProductSortKeys - Sort the underlying list by the given key.
## Returns
* [edges](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/ProductEdge): ProductEdge! A list of edges.
* [filters](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/Filter): Filter! A list of available filters.
* [nodes](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/Product): Product! A list of the nodes contained in ProductEdge.
* [pageInfo](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/PageInfo): PageInfo! Information to aid in pagination.
## Examples
### Retrieve first three products
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token: {storefront_access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query getProducts($first: Int) { products(first: $first) { edges { cursor node { title } } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Storefront({\n domain: 'your-development-store.myshopify.com',\n storefrontAccessToken,\n});\nconst data = await client.query({\n data: `query getProducts($first: Int) {\n products(first: $first) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: null
Remix example: "const { storefront } = await unauthenticated.storefront(\n 'your-development-store.myshopify.com'\n);\n\nconst response = await storefront.graphql(\n `#graphql\n query getProducts($first: Int) {\n products(first: $first) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query getProducts($first: Int) {\n products(first: $first) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo2NTcyMTE2NSwibGFzdF92YWx1ZSI6IjY1NzIxMTY1In0=",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Spoon"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjoyNjMwNzE4NTYsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiIyNjMwNzE4NTYifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Shoes"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo1Mzg4MjUyNjEsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiI1Mzg4MjUyNjEifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Guitar"
### Retrieve first three products in reverse order
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token: {storefront_access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query getProducts($first: Int, $reverse: Boolean) { products(first: $first, reverse: $reverse) { edges { cursor node { title } } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Storefront({\n domain: 'your-development-store.myshopify.com',\n storefrontAccessToken,\n});\nconst data = await client.query({\n data: `query getProducts($first: Int, $reverse: Boolean) {\n products(first: $first, reverse: $reverse) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: null
Remix example: "const { storefront } = await unauthenticated.storefront(\n 'your-development-store.myshopify.com'\n);\n\nconst response = await storefront.graphql(\n `#graphql\n query getProducts($first: Int, $reverse: Boolean) {\n products(first: $first, reverse: $reverse) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query getProducts($first: Int, $reverse: Boolean) {\n products(first: $first, reverse: $reverse) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo5Mjk4OTg0NjUsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiI5Mjk4OTg0NjUifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Camper Van"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo1Mzg4MjUyNjEsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiI1Mzg4MjUyNjEifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Guitar"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjoyNjMwNzE4NTYsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiIyNjMwNzE4NTYifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Shoes"
### Retrieve first two products after cursor
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token: {storefront_access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query getProducts($first: Int, $after: String) { products(first: $first, after: $after) { edges { cursor node { title } } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Storefront({\n domain: 'your-development-store.myshopify.com',\n storefrontAccessToken,\n});\nconst data = await client.query({\n data: `query getProducts($first: Int, $after: String) {\n products(first: $first, after: $after) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: null
Remix example: "const { storefront } = await unauthenticated.storefront(\n 'your-development-store.myshopify.com'\n);\n\nconst response = await storefront.graphql(\n `#graphql\n query getProducts($first: Int, $after: String) {\n products(first: $first, after: $after) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query getProducts($first: Int, $after: String) {\n products(first: $first, after: $after) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjoyNjMwNzE4NTYsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiIyNjMwNzE4NTYifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Shoes"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo1Mzg4MjUyNjEsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiI1Mzg4MjUyNjEifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Guitar"
### Retrieve last two products before cursor
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token: {storefront_access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query getProducts($last: Int, $before: String) { products(last: $last, before: $before) { edges { cursor node { title } } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Storefront({\n domain: 'your-development-store.myshopify.com',\n storefrontAccessToken,\n});\nconst data = await client.query({\n data: `query getProducts($last: Int, $before: String) {\n products(last: $last, before: $before) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: null
Remix example: "const { storefront } = await unauthenticated.storefront(\n 'your-development-store.myshopify.com'\n);\n\nconst response = await storefront.graphql(\n `#graphql\n query getProducts($last: Int, $before: String) {\n products(last: $last, before: $before) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query getProducts($last: Int, $before: String) {\n products(last: $last, before: $before) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo2NTcyMTE2NSwibGFzdF92YWx1ZSI6IjY1NzIxMTY1In0=",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Spoon"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjoyNjMwNzE4NTYsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiIyNjMwNzE4NTYifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Shoes"
### Retrieve product that matches the query
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token: {storefront_access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query getProducts($first: Int, $query: String) { products(first: $first, query: $query) { edges { cursor node { title } } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Storefront({\n domain: 'your-development-store.myshopify.com',\n storefrontAccessToken,\n});\nconst data = await client.query({\n data: `query getProducts($first: Int, $query: String) {\n products(first: $first, query: $query) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: null
Remix example: "const { storefront } = await unauthenticated.storefront(\n 'your-development-store.myshopify.com'\n);\n\nconst response = await storefront.graphql(\n `#graphql\n query getProducts($first: Int, $query: String) {\n products(first: $first, query: $query) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query getProducts($first: Int, $query: String) {\n products(first: $first, query: $query) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo1Mzg4MjUyNjEsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiI1Mzg4MjUyNjEifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Guitar"
### Retrieve products after sorting by a key
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token: {storefront_access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query getProducts($first: Int, $sortKey: ProductSortKeys) { products(first: $first, sortKey: $sortKey) { edges { cursor node { title } } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Storefront({\n domain: 'your-development-store.myshopify.com',\n storefrontAccessToken,\n});\nconst data = await client.query({\n data: `query getProducts($first: Int, $sortKey: ProductSortKeys) {\n products(first: $first, sortKey: $sortKey) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: null
Remix example: "const { storefront } = await unauthenticated.storefront(\n 'your-development-store.myshopify.com'\n);\n\nconst response = await storefront.graphql(\n `#graphql\n query getProducts($first: Int, $sortKey: ProductSortKeys) {\n products(first: $first, sortKey: $sortKey) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query getProducts($first: Int, $sortKey: ProductSortKeys) {\n products(first: $first, sortKey: $sortKey) {\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n title\n }\n }\n }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo5Mjk4OTg0NjUsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiJDYW1wZXIgVmFuIn0=",
"node": {
"title": "Camper Van"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo1Mzg4MjUyNjEsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiJHdWl0YXIifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Guitar"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjoyNjMwNzE4NTYsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiJTdG9yZWZyb250IFNob2VzIn0=",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Shoes"
"cursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo2NTcyMTE2NSwibGFzdF92YWx1ZSI6IlN0b3JlZnJvbnQgU3Bvb24ifQ==",
"node": {
"title": "Storefront Spoon"