# DiscountCodeApplication - storefront - OBJECT Version: 2025-04 ## Description Discount code applications capture the intentions of a discount code at the time that it is applied. ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [allocationMethod](/docs/api/storefront/2025-04/enums/DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod): DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod! - The method by which the discount's value is allocated to its entitled items. * [applicable](/docs/api/storefront/2025-04/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Specifies whether the discount code was applied successfully. * [code](/docs/api/storefront/2025-04/scalars/String): String! - The string identifying the discount code that was used at the time of application. * [targetSelection](/docs/api/storefront/2025-04/enums/DiscountApplicationTargetSelection): DiscountApplicationTargetSelection! - Which lines of targetType that the discount is allocated over. * [targetType](/docs/api/storefront/2025-04/enums/DiscountApplicationTargetType): DiscountApplicationTargetType! - The type of line that the discount is applicable towards. * [value](/docs/api/storefront/2025-04/unions/PricingValue): PricingValue! - The value of the discount application. ## Connections ## Related queries ## Related mutations ## Related Unions ## Examples