Your app's client secret is a unique key that authenticates your app when it requests access to a store's data. You can use your client secret to retrieve an access token for a store, or to verify a webhook request is genuine.

## Retrieve your app's client credentials

You can manually retrieve your app's client credentials in the Partner Dashboard.

1. Log in to your [Partner Dashboard](
2. Click **Apps**.
3. Click the name of the app you want to retrieve client credentials for.
4. Click **Client credentials**.
5. View or copy your client ID and client secret.

## Rotate or revoke your app's client credentials

You should rotate the client credentials for your app on a regular basis. To learn how to rotate your app's client secret, refer to [Rotate or revoke client credentials](/docs/apps/build/authentication-authorization/client-secrets/rotate-revoke-client-credentials).