> Note > The Chat component is limited to real-time chat apps for customer support and it is available for the Checkout and Thank you pages for Shopify Plus merchants, and for the Thank you page for other plans. A chat application allows customers to get real-time help during their shopping journey. For example, they may have questions about the items in their cart, the return policy or any other questions that will help them complete their purchase. This guide introduces chat widgets in checkout and showcases the available resources that developers can use to build them for Shopify checkout. ## How it works The key pieces required to build chat widgets in checkout are: - Chat-specific [extension targets](#extension-targets) - The [Chat](#chat-ui-component) UI component - [App Bridge script for checkout](#app-bridge-script-for-checkout) - Access to the [Chat API scope](#access-scope) ## Extension targets In the checkout and thank you pages, there is a dedicated static extension target specifically for chat applications. > Note > Only a single extension can be active within the chat targets at any given time. Location of the [`purchase.checkout.chat.render`](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/latest/targets/chat/purchase-checkout-chat-render) extension target: ![Chat target on the checkout pages](/assets/apps/checkout/chat/purchase.checkout.chat.render.png) Location of the [`purchase.thank-you.chat.render`](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/latest/targets/chat/purchase-thank-you-chat-render) extension target: ![Chat target on the Thank you page](/assets/apps/checkout/chat/purchase.thank-you.chat.render.png) ## Chat UI component The [`Chat`](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/latest/components/overlays/chat) component allows developers to embed their own hosted chat application. This UI component maps directly to an HTML `