Apps can edit orders that a Shopify channel creates, such as Shopify Point of Sale (POS), Online Store, draft orders, or orders that the app creates through the GraphQL Admin API. For example, an app might add new items to a customer’s order or alter the quantity of line items.
This guide shows how to use the GraphQL Admin API to edit an existing order.
## Requirements
- Your app can make [authenticated requests](/docs/api/admin-graphql#authentication) to the GraphQL Admin API.
- Your app has the `write_order_edits` [access scope](/docs/api/usage/access-scopes).
> Tip:
> By default, your app has access to orders placed in the last 60 days. To use the GraphQL Admin API to query orders that were placed more than 60 days ago, your app needs to request the `read_all_orders` scope. Learn how to [configure your access scopes using Shopify CLI](/docs/apps/build/cli-for-apps/app-configuration).
- You've met Shopify's [protected customer data requirements](/docs/apps/launch/protected-customer-data).
- You're editing an order that was placed in your store currency.
Your store currency is the currency that's used in your Shopify admin to price products and display reports.
Editing orders placed in international currencies requires you to upgrade to [Checkout Extensibility](/docs/apps/build/checkout#upgrade).
- You're editing an order that was placed after January 1, 2019. You can't edit archived orders or orders placed before January 1st, 2019.
## Step 1: Begin order editing
The [`orderEditBegin`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditbegin) mutation is the first step in editing an order. The [`orderEditBegin`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditbegin) mutation creates a `CalculatedOrder` object, which tracks the edits that you want to make to the order.
The following example shows how to pass the order's ID to the `orderEditBegin` mutation and request the ID of the [`CalculatedOrder`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/objects/calculatedorder) object as a return field:
## Step 2: Edit the order
After you have the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, you can make the following types of edits to the order:
- [Add a new variant](#add-a-new-variant)
- [Add a discount to the variant](#add-a-discount-to-the-variant)
- [Remove a discount from a variant](#remove-a-discount-from-a-variant)
- [Update a discount from a variant](#update-a-discount-from-a-variant)
- [Add a custom line item](#add-a-custom-line-item)
- [Edit line item quantity](#edit-line-item-quantity)
- [Remove a line item](#remove-a-line-item)
- [Add a new shipping line](#add-a-new-shipping-line)
- [Update a newly added shipping line](#update-a-newly-added-shipping-line)
- [Remove a shipping line](#remove-a-shipping-line)
### Add a new variant
Add a new product variant to an order with the [`orderEditAddVariant`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditaddvariant) mutation.
The following example adds a new product variant with a quantity of three to the order:
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, the variant ID and the variant quantity. Request the ID of the added line items using the `addedLineItems` field to verify that our variant was added correctly.
### Add a discount to the variant
Add a fixed amount or percentage discount to a line item with the [`orderEditAddLineItemDiscount`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditaddlineitemdiscount) mutation.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, the line item ID, and the `OrderEditAppliedDiscountInput` inputs.
### Remove a discount from a variant
Remove a fixed amount or percentage discount from a line item with the [`orderEditRemoveDiscount`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditremovediscount) mutation.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID and the `discountApplicationId`.
### Update a discount from a variant
Update a fixed amount or percentage discount from a line item with the [`orderEditUpdateDiscount`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditupdatediscount) mutation.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, `discountApplicationId` and the `OrderEditAppliedDiscountInput` inputs.
### Add a custom line item
Add a custom line item to an order with the [`orderEditAddCustomItem`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/orderEditAddCustomItem) mutation.
The following example adds a custom line item to the order for gift wrapping.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` ID, line item title, quantity, and price in the [`orderEditAddCustomItem`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditaddcustomitem) field. In the response, request the added line item’s ID, title, and quantity to verify that the custom line item was added correctly.
### Edit line item quantity
You can use the [`orderEditSetQuantity`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditsetquantity) mutation to adjust the line item quantity to add an additional gift wrapping service to the order.
In the mutation's input, include the order `id`, `lineItemId`, and the new `quantity` value that you want to set. In the response, request the ID and quantity of the line items to verify that the line item quantity was updated correctly.
### Remove a line item
You can remove any line item using the [`orderEditSetQuantity`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditsetquantity) mutation. You can effectively remove a line item by setting its quantity to zero.
In the mutation’s input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, the `lineItemId` for the line item you want to remove, and set the `quantity` value to be 0. In the response, request the ID and quantity of line items to verify that the line item you wanted to remove has its quantity updated to 0.
> Note:
> Optionally, you can include `restock` in the mutation's input, which determines whether the line item should be restocked when the updated quantity is less than the original quantity. By default, `restock` value is set to false.
### Add a new shipping line
You can add a custom shipping line using the [`orderEditAddShippingLine`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-04/mutations/ordereditaddshippingline) mutation.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, a shipping line title, and a price in the `orderEditAddShippingLineInput` input.
> Note:
> This mutation is available as of API version `2024-04`.
### Update a newly added shipping line
You can update a newly added shipping line using the [`orderEditUpdateShippingLine`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-04/mutations/ordereditupdateshippingline) mutation.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, the `shippingLineId`, and an updated shipping line title or an updated price in the `orderEditUpdateShippingLineInput` input.
> Note:
> This mutation is available as of API version `2024-04`.
### Remove a shipping line
You can remove any shipping line using the [`orderEditRemoveShippingLine`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-04/mutations/ordereditremoveshippingline) mutation.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, and the `shippingLineId` for the shipping line that you want to remove in the `orderEditRemoveShippingLine` input.
> Note:
> This mutation is available as of API version `2024-04`.
## Step 3: Commit the order edits
When you're satisfied with your changes, you can commit them to the order with the [`orderEditCommit`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/ordereditcommit) mutation. The `orderEditCommit` mutation commits the changes tracked by the `CalculatedOrder` object to the order.
In the mutation's input, include the `CalculatedOrder` object ID, the `staffNote` field, and the `notifyCustomer` field set to `false`. If `notifyCustomer` is set to `true`, then an email invoice with the updated order information is sent to the customer.
> Note:
> You can edit only unfulfilled line items. If an edit changes the total order value, then a balance might need to be collected from or refunded to the customer. You can use the `orderEditCommit` mutation to send an invoice to the customer that they can use to pay the outstanding balance and complete the order, similarly to how you'd complete [draft orders](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/objects/draftorder).
## Step 4: Subscribe to a webhook
To be notified when an order is edited, subscribe your app the [`orders/edited`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/enums/WebhookSubscriptionTopic) webhook. The webhook is triggered whenever an order edit is completed.
To learn how to set up and consume webhooks, refer to [Webhooks configuration overview](/docs/apps/build/webhooks/subscribe).
## Next steps
- Consult the [merchant documentation]( to learn about editing orders in the Shopify admin.
- Explore examples for querying orders, including [retrieving sales data from an order](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/queries/order#section-examples), using the GraphQL Admin API.