# Shopify CLI Hydrogen commands ## hydrogen build Builds a Hydrogen storefront for production. The client and app worker files are compiled to a `/dist` folder in your Hydrogen project directory. [View hydrogen build](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-build) ## hydrogen check Checks whether your Hydrogen app includes a set of standard Shopify routes. [View hydrogen check](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-check) ## hydrogen codegen Automatically generates GraphQL types for your project’s Storefront API queries. [View hydrogen codegen](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-codegen) ## hydrogen customer-account-push Push project configuration to admin [View hydrogen customer-account-push](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-customer-account-push) ## hydrogen debug cpu Builds the app and runs the resulting code to profile the server startup time, watching for changes. This command can be used to [debug slow app startup times](/docs/custom-storefronts/hydrogen/debugging/cpu-startup) that cause failed deployments in Oxygen. The profiling results are written to a `.cpuprofile` file that can be viewed with certain tools such as [Flame Chart Visualizer for Visual Studio Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.vscode-js-profile-flame). [View hydrogen debug cpu](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-debug-cpu) ## hydrogen deploy Builds and deploys your Hydrogen storefront to Oxygen. Requires an Oxygen deployment token to be set with the `--token` flag or an environment variable (`SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN`). If the storefront is [linked](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-link) then the Oxygen deployment token for the linked storefront will be used automatically. [View hydrogen deploy](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-deploy) ## hydrogen dev Runs a Hydrogen storefront in a local runtime that emulates an Oxygen worker for development. If your project is [linked](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-link) to a Hydrogen storefront, then its environment variables will be loaded with the runtime. [View hydrogen dev](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-dev) ## hydrogen env list Lists all environments available on the linked Hydrogen storefront. [View hydrogen env list](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-env-list) ## hydrogen env pull Pulls environment variables from the linked Hydrogen storefront and writes them to an `.env` file. [View hydrogen env pull](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-env-pull) ## hydrogen env push Push environment variables from the local .env file to your linked Hydrogen storefront. [View hydrogen env push](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-env-push) ## hydrogen generate route Generates a set of default routes from the starter template. [View hydrogen generate route](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-generate-route) ## hydrogen generate routes Generates all supported standard shopify routes. [View hydrogen generate routes](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-generate-routes) ## hydrogen init Creates a new Hydrogen storefront. [View hydrogen init](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-init) ## hydrogen link Links your local development environment to a remote Hydrogen storefront. You can link an unlimited number of development environments to a single Hydrogen storefront. Linking to a Hydrogen storefront enables you to run [dev](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-dev) and automatically inject your linked Hydrogen storefront's environment variables directly into the server runtime. After you run the `link` command, you can access the [env list](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-env-list), [env pull](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-env-pull), and [unlink](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-unlink) commands. [View hydrogen link](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-link) ## hydrogen list Lists all remote Hydrogen storefronts available to link to your local development environment. [View hydrogen list](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-list) ## hydrogen login Logs in to the specified shop and saves the shop domain to the project. [View hydrogen login](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-login) ## hydrogen logout Log out from the current shop. [View hydrogen logout](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-logout) ## hydrogen preview Runs a server in your local development environment that serves your Hydrogen app's production build. Requires running the [build](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-build) command first. [View hydrogen preview](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-preview) ## hydrogen setup css Adds support for certain CSS strategies to your project. [View hydrogen setup css](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-setup-css) ## hydrogen setup markets Adds support for multiple [markets](/docs/custom-storefronts/hydrogen/markets) to your project by using the URL structure. [View hydrogen setup markets](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-setup-markets) ## hydrogen setup vite EXPERIMENTAL: Upgrades the project to use Vite. [View hydrogen setup vite](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-setup-vite) ## hydrogen setup Scaffold routes and core functionality. [View hydrogen setup](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-setup) ## hydrogen shortcut Creates a global h2 shortcut for Shopify CLI using shell aliases. The following shells are supported: - Bash (using `~/.bashrc`) - ZSH (using `~/.zshrc`) - Fish (using `~/.config/fish/functions`) - PowerShell (added to `$PROFILE`) After the alias is created, you can call Shopify CLI from anywhere in your project using `h2 <command>`. [View hydrogen shortcut](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-shortcut) ## hydrogen unlink Unlinks your local development environment from a remote Hydrogen storefront. [View hydrogen unlink](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-unlink) ## hydrogen upgrade Upgrade Hydrogen project dependencies, preview features, fixes and breaking changes. The command also generates an instruction file for each upgrade. [View hydrogen upgrade](/docs/api/shopify-cli//hydrogen/hydrogen-upgrade)