You can use the [Storefront API](/docs/api/storefront) to support multiple languages on a storefront. This guide explains how to retrieve translated content and create a checkout in the customer's language with the Storefront API.
## Requirements
- You've completed the [Getting started with the Storefront API](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-storefront-api/getting-started) guide.
- You're familiar with [querying products and collections](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-storefront-api/products-collections/getting-started).
- You've created [resources that can be translated](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-storefront-api/markets#translatable-resources) in your store.
- You've created translated content using the [GraphQL Admin API](/docs/apps/build/markets/manage-translated-content).
- You're using API version 2022-04 or higher.
## Step 1: Retrieve available languages
For each country context, the languages available are configured [within the shop’s Markets settings]( The following example shows how to access the list of available languages with the [`Localization`](/docs/api/storefront/latest/objects/localization) object.
## Step 2: Retrieve translations
To query [translatable resources](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-storefront-api/markets#translatable-resources) and return translated content, use the `@inContext` directive to contextualize any query in one of the shop’s [available languages](#step-1-retrieve-available-languages).
The following example returns the Spanish translations for a product's `title`, `description`, and `options`.
## Step 3: Create a checkout in the customer’s language
The `@inContext` directive can also be used with the [`checkoutCreate`](/docs/api/storefront/reference/checkouts/checkoutcreate) mutation to set the checkout locale.
The following example creates a checkout that will load in Spanish when you redirect the customer to its `webUrl`.
## Next steps
- Learn how to query [international prices](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-storefront-api/markets/international-pricing) for products and orders, and explicitly set the context of a cart and checkout.
- Learn how to [create and update a cart](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-storefront-api/cart/manage) in Shopify with the Storefront API.
- [Retrieve metafields](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-storefront-api/products-collections/metafields) with the Storefront API to access additional information from different types of resources.
- Learn how to [manage customer accounts](/docs/storefronts/headless/building-with-the-customer-account-api/customer-accounts) with the Storefront API.
- Learn about the [different tools](/docs/storefronts/headless/additional-sdks) that you can use to create unique buying experiences anywhere your customers are, including websites, apps, and video games.