This guide shows you how to set up a cart handler inside your Hydrogen app. This makes a dynamic `cart` object available on all requests, so it can be read and updated by Remix actions and loaders. > Tip: > These tasks are only required if you're upgrading from a version prior to `2024.7.4`. As of version `2024.7.4`, the Hydrogen project template includes the cart handler by default. ## Requirements - You've completed the [quickstart guide](/docs/storefronts/headless/hydrogen/getting-started). ## Step 1: Create a `cart` instance with `createHydrogenContext` Hydrogen uses [`createHydrogenContext`](/docs/api/hydrogen/latest/utilities/createhydrogencontext) to setup a common set of contexts, which includes cart context, that you will need in your Remix loaders and actions. Create a `context.(js|ts)` file. This file should manage all the context that you want to show up in the Remix context.

## Step 2: Include the app context in the `server.(js|ts)` In your `server.(js|ts)` file, include your `appLoadContext` inside the Remix request handler.

If you're using Typescript, then add the return type of `createAppLoadContext` type to `env.d.ts` to have a type association.

## Step 3: Decide how you want to manage the cart ID Hydrogen provides the following default methods for getting and setting a cart ID: - `cartGetIdDefault(requestHeaders: Headers)`: Retrieves the cart ID from the request header cookie. The cookie name must be `cart`. - `cartSetIdDefault()`: Returns a function that accepts a new cart ID and sets a cookie called `cart=` in the returned `Headers` object. By default, `cartSetIdDefault()` sets a session cookie. This means the cookie disappears when the user closes the browser. Update cookie settings by passing an options object to the `cartSetIdDefault` function. This options object [accepts the same attribute types]( provided by the cookie-parsing interface from the Worktop package dependency.

> Note: > The default methods for getting and saving a cart use the cookie name `cart`. This name allows a cart instance to be shared between Liquid and Hydrogen. If you provide custom cookie persistence methods and need to maintain compatibility with a Liquid-coded online store, then make sure to also use the cookie name `cart`. ## Next steps - Learn how to [read data from a cart](/docs/storefronts/headless/hydrogen/cart/read) - Learn how to [customize your own cart handler](/docs/storefronts/headless/hydrogen/cart/customize-cart-handler).