You can collect additional information from customers when they create an account through [the customer register form](/docs/storefronts/themes/architecture/templates/customers-register). > Note: > You can't create new fields in the Shopify admin to host information, so any additional information is saved as a [customer note]( The customer note isn't accessible through Liquid, but can be accessed through the [`Customer`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/objects/Customer) object of the GraphQL Admin API. This information can be collected with any [HTML input type](, except for `file`. The input needs to have an attribute of `name="customer[note][Information title]"`, where `Information title` is the title of the information you're collecting. You can have more than one input for collecting a note entry. For example, the following would allow you to collect a customer's birthday and any allergies they might have: ```liquid {% form 'create_customer' %} {{ form.errors | default_errors }} <div class="first-name"> <label for="first-name">First name</label> <input id="first-name" type="text" name="customer[first_name]" /> </div> <div class="last-name"> <label for="last-name">Last name</label> <input id="last-name" type="text" name="customer[last_name]" /> </div> <div class="email"> <label for="email">Email</label> <input id="email" type="email" name="customer[email]" /> </div> <div class="password"> <label for="password">Password</label> <input id="password" type="password" name="customer[password]" /> </div> <div class="password"> <label for="password-confirmation">Password</label> <input id="password-confirmation" type="password" name="customer[password]" /> </div> <div class="birthday"> <label for="birthday">Birthday</label> <input id="birthday" type="date" name="customer[note][Birthday]" /> </div> <div class="allergies"> <label for="allergies">Allergies</label> <input id="allergies" type="text" name="customer[note][Allergies]" /> </div> <div class="submit"> <input type="submit" value="Create" /> </div> {% endform %} ```