> Deprecated:
> Theme Kit is deprecated. Theme developers should use [Shopify CLI](/docs/storefronts/themes/tools/cli) for Shopify theme development.

This reference lists the configuration variables available for Theme Kit and their accepted values.

## How it works

You can configure Theme Kit using a [config file](#config-file), [environment variables](#environment-variables), and [command line flags](#command-line-flags). Each configuration method has an order of precedence:

- Environment variables can override config file values.
- Command line flags can override config file and environment values.

> Tip:
> When you're debugging your config, consider the order of precedence for the different configuration methods.

## Global parameters

The following table lists the parameters that you can configure for all Theme Kit actions:

| Parameter | Description |
| `config` | A custom path to your config file. Defaults to the current path where the command is executed. |
| `directory` | The project root directory. Allows you to run the command from another directory. |
| `ignore_files` | A list of [patterns to ignore](#ignore-patterns) when executing commands. |
| `ignores` | A list of paths to files that contain [patterns to ignore](#ignore-patterns). |
| `password` | The [Theme password](/docs/storefronts/themes/tools/theme-kit/getting-started#get-theme-password) used to connect Theme Kit to your store. |
| `proxy` | A full URL to proxy your requests through. The URL supports only the `http` protocol. |
| `readonly` | Makes all actions read-only. You can download from this environment but you can't update the theme in the connected Shopify store. |
| `store` | Your store’s Shopify domain with the `.myshopify.com` postfix. |
| `theme_id` | The [ID](/docs/storefronts/themes/tools/theme-kit/getting-started#step-3-connect-to-an-existing-theme) of the theme. |
| `timeout` | Allows you to change the request timeout. If you have large files in your project that take longer than the default 30 seconds to upload, then you can increase this value. You can set this value to 60s for seconds or 1m for one minute. |

## Config file

The configuration file can be set up per environment.

In the following example, the `config.yml` file specifies configurations for three different environments: `development`, `production`, and `test`.

  password: 16ef663594568325d64408ebcdeef528
  theme_id: "123"
  store: can-i-buy-a-feeling.myshopify.com
  proxy: http://localhost:3000
    - "*.gif"
    - "*.jpg"
    - config/settings_data.json
  password: 16ef663594568325d64408ebcdeef528
  theme_id: "456"
  store: can-i-buy-a-feeling.myshopify.com
  timeout: 60s
  readonly: true
  password: 16ef663594568325d64408ebcdeef528
  theme_id: "789"
  store: can-i-buy-a-feeling.myshopify.com
  ignores: ignore.txt

## Environment variables

To avoid storing your private secrets in your repository, you can use environment variables. You can [interpolate variables](#interpolate-variables) in your `config.yml` file or use [environment variables for global parameters](#environment-variables-for-global-parameters).

> Note:
> Setting up environment variables differs depending on your operating system.

### Interpolate variables

You can interpolate variables into your `config.yml` file using the `${}` notation:

  password: ${DEV_PASSWD}
  theme_id: ${DEV_THEMEID}
  store: ${DEV_SHOP}

To help you interpolate variables, there are special files that can be used to automatically load environment variables for Theme Kit. The following table lists the file paths for each operating system:

| Operating system | File path |
| MacOSX | `${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Shopify/Themekit/variables` |
| Linux/BSDs | `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/Shopify/Themekit/variables` |
| Windows | `%APPDATA%\Shopify\Themekit\variables`|
| Any | Use the `--vars` flag in any command to provide a path to a file for loading variables. |

#### Variables file

The variables file has the same format as most `.env` type files. The following example shows what the variables file looks like for the [previous config file example](#interpolate-variables).

Setting up a variables file allows you to commit your `config.yml` to your repository, but keeps your private secrets out of the repository.


### Environment variables for global parameters

Most of the [global parameters](#global-parameters) have a corresponding environment variable. All of the environment variables are prefixed with `THEMEKIT_`.

The following table shows the environment variables associated with each parameter. `THEMEKIT_IGNORE_FILES` must use `:` as a pattern separator and `THEMEKIT_IGNORES` must use `:` as a file path separator.

| Parameter | Environment variable |
| `directory` | `THEMEKIT_DIRECTORY` |
| `ignore_files` | `THEMEKIT_IGNORE_FILES` |
| `ignores` | `THEMEKIT_IGNORES` |
| `password` | `THEMEKIT_PASSWORD` |
| `proxy` | `THEMEKIT_PROXY` |
| `store` | `THEMEKIT_STORE` |
| `theme_id` | `THEMEKIT_THEME_ID` |
| `timeout` | `THEMEKIT_TIMEOUT` |

## Command line flags

You can enforce any setting manually using a command line flag. This is useful for debugging settings or scripting calls to Theme Kit from job schedulers, like `cron`.

The following table lists the [global parameters](#global-parameters) and their associated command line flags:

| Parameter | Flag | Short version |
| `config` | `--config` | `-c` |
| `directory` | `--dir` | `-d` |
| `ignore_files` | `--ignored-file` | Not applicable |
| `ignores` | `--ignores` | Not applicable |
| `password` | `--password` | Not applicable |
| `proxy` | `--proxy` | Not applicable |
| `store` | `--store` | `-s` |
| `theme_id` | `--themeid` | Not applicable |
| `timeout` | `--timeout` | Not applicable |

## Ignore patterns

Theme Kit has a couple of ways to ignore files from your commands. You can provide a list of ignore patterns to your `ignore_files` value. You can also provide a list of file paths to your `ignores` value.

### Ignore pattern rules

The following tables shows the rules associated with specifying ignore patterns and some examples:

    <td>Patterns are trimmed of whitespace at the beginning and end of the pattern.</td>
    <td>Any plain file name (without a <code>*</code> character in it) is matched within the project directory.</td>
    <td>The pattern <code>no.txt</code> will match both <code>$PROJECT_DIR/no.txt</code> and <code>$PROJECT_DIR/templates/no.txt</code>.</td>
    <td>Any file pattern has a <code>/</code> at the end will be matched with a glob.</td>
    <td>The pattern <code>config/</code> will match <code>config/*</code>.</td>
    <td>Any pattern containing a glob <code>*</code> is scoped to the project directory.</td>
    <td>The pattern <code>*.gif</code> will match <code>$PROJECT_DIR/*.gif</code>.</td>
    <td>Any glob pattern that doesn't start with a glob is matched with a prefixed glob.</td>
    <td>The pattern <code>build/*</code> will match <code>$PROJECT_DIR/*build/*</code>.</td>
    <td>Any pattern that starts with a <code>/</code> and ends with a <code>/</code> is considered a regular expression and will match the whole path.</td>
    <td>The pattern <code>/\.(txt|gif|bat)$/</code> will match any file with the <code>txt</code>, <code>gif</code>, or <code>bat</code> extensions.</td>
    <td>On Windows, you must use a backslash <code>(\)</code> as the path separator.</td>

### Example ignore values in `config.yml`

The following example shows a `config.yml` file that specifies a list of ignore patterns in the `ignore_files` value, and a single `themekit_ignores` file in the `ignores` value:

  ... # Other content
  - config/settings_data.json
  - "*.png" # Patterns that start with * need to be quoted to have vaild yaml
  - /\.(txt|gif|bat)$/
  - themekit_ignores # A file to load ignore patterns. Check out the example ignore file.

### Example ignore file

Ignore files must adhere to specific formatting rules to be valid.

The following example shows a valid ignore file. One pattern is specified per line, and lines for comments are prefixed with a `#` value:

# $PROJECT_DIR/themekit_ignores
# plain file names

# globs

# regex

## Next steps

- Learn about the [different commands](/docs/storefronts/themes/tools/theme-kit/command-reference) that you can use in Theme Kit to execute key operations.
- Learn how to identify and resolve [common issues](/docs/storefronts/themes/tools/theme-kit/troubleshooting) in Theme Kit.