Users are able to offer various options for purchasing goods and services at checkout through a subscription app. For example, customers can subscribe to a product delivery every month for a 10% discount, or every week for a 20% discount. > Tip: > To be eligible to use Shopify subscriptions, merchants must meet the [qualifying criteria]( ## How it works To enable subscriptions, apps create [selling plan groups](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_group), within which they create [selling plans](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan). These selling plans are linked to products and product variants. For example, a selling plan group called "Subscribe & Save" can offer selling plans that enable the customer to choose the delivery frequency and billing frequency separately. Merchants can offer multiple optional selling plans to customers, or specify a required selling plan for a product, such as "subscription-only" offers. <figure class="figure"><img src="" class="lazyload" width="1256" height="848"></figure> ## Implementing subscriptions in a theme You can use Liquid and JavaScript to integrate subscriptions into your theme. You should also review the UX guidelines for subscriptions to ensure a great user experience. <div class="resource-card-grid"> <div> <a class="resource-card" href="/docs/storefronts/themes/pricing-payments/subscriptions/add-subscriptions-to-your-theme" data-theme-mode=""> <div class="resource-card__indicator-container"><img src="/assets/resource-cards/docs" data-alt-src="/assets/resource-cards/docs-dark" aria-hidden="true" class="resource-card__icon themed-image"></div> <h3 class="resource-card__title"> Add subscriptions to your theme </h3> <p class="resource-card__description">Learn more about how to integrate subscriptions into your theme.</p> </a> </div></p> <p><div> <a class="resource-card" href="/docs/storefronts/themes/pricing-payments/subscriptions/subscription-ux-guidelines" data-theme-mode=""> <div class="resource-card__indicator-container"><img src="/assets/resource-cards/theme" data-alt-src="/assets/resource-cards/theme-dark" aria-hidden="true" class="resource-card__icon themed-image"></div> <h3 class="resource-card__title"> Subscriptions UX guidelines </h3> <p class="resource-card__description">Learn how to build a subscription experience and style components in your theme.</p> </a> </div> </div>