In addition to images, merchants can upload 3D models and videos, and attach YouTube or Vimeo videos as product media. This gives merchants the opportunity to offer a rich and immersive product experience.

You can display media in a theme using the following Liquid objects and filters:

- [external_video](/docs/api/liquid/objects/external_video)
- [video](/docs/api/liquid/objects/video)
- [video_source](/docs/api/liquid/objects/video_source)
- [model](/docs/api/liquid/objects/model)
- [model_source](/docs/api/liquid/objects/model_source)
- [media filters](/docs/api/liquid/filters/media-filters)

To learn about building a media display in your theme, refer to [Support product media](/docs/storefronts/themes/product-merchandising/media/support-media). In addition to a media display, you might also want to learn how to [use media preview images](/docs/storefronts/themes/product-merchandising/media/support-media#use-media-preview-images), [support AR functionality](/docs/storefronts/themes/product-merchandising/media/support-media#support-ar-functionality), and [control video functionalty with parameters](/docs/storefronts/themes/product-merchandising/media/support-media#control-video-functionality-with-parameters).

You can also learn about media UX best practices in [Product media UX guidelines](/docs/storefronts/themes/product-merchandising/media/media-ux).

> Tip:
> To learn about creating 3D models for a merchant, refer to [Creating 3D models]( in the Shopify Help Center.