Catalogs are used to define the set of products that are published to customers in different contexts, and the prices of each product. The context of each catalog determines which group it applies to. For example, a catalog assigned to the European market might specify that customers shipping to Europe can purchase anything except the electronics without CE certification, but that with a few exceptions, they have to pay 10% higher prices. In this guide, you’ll learn how to configure a market’s catalog with a price list and publication to control prices and restrict product availability for a specific market. > Note: > If you're using the new Markets API, which is currently in developer preview, then refer to [Create a catalog for a specific market](/docs/apps/build/markets/new-markets/create-catalog) instead. ## Requirements - Your app can make [authenticated requests](/docs/api/admin-graphql#authentication) to the GraphQL Admin API. - Your app has the `write_products` [access scope](/docs/api/usage/access-scopes). Learn how to [configure your access scopes using Shopify CLI](/docs/apps/build/cli-for-apps/app-configuration). - You've created [products](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/productcreate) and [product variants](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/productvariantcreate) in your store. - You’ve learned about the requirements for stores to [set product prices by country]( - You’re familiar with the concept of [catalogs](/docs/apps/build/markets/catalogs-different-markets). - Your store uses [Shopify Markets]( and you’ve set up at least one international market. ## Step 1: Query the market catalog Each market has a catalog that’s automatically created and associated with the market. The catalog determines the products that are published to customers in that market. You can use the [`catalogs`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/queries/catalogs) query to retrieve the market catalogs on a store:

> Tip: > You can create a catalog for a business-to-business (B2B) company location using the [`catalogCreate`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/mutations/catalogcreate) mutation. Learn [how to create a B2B catalog](/docs/apps/build/b2b/start-building#step-2-create-a-b2b-catalog). ## Step 2: Associate a price list with the catalog After you query a catalog, you can use the catalog ID to associate a price list with the catalog. The price list determines the prices that are shown to customers in that market. If a price list isn’t associated with the catalog, then customers in the associated market receive the initial variant prices converted to the market currency. ### Create a new price list Use the [`priceListCreate`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/mutations/priceListCreate) mutation to create a new price list for the catalog. You can set the name, a percentage-based adjustment, a currency, and the ID of the catalog to associate. > Caution: > The market currency and price list currency must match. For example, you can’t create a price list that’s mapped to a Canadian market catalog with currency CAD and then set the price list currency to USD.

### Associate an existing price list Use the [`priceListUpdate`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/mutations/pricelistupdate) mutation to associate an existing price list with a catalog. You can also make changes to the name, currency, or percentage-based adjustments with the `priceListUpdate` mutation.

## Step 3: Set fixed prices for specific product variants Use the [`priceListFixedPricesAdd`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/priceListFixedPricesAdd) mutation to set a fixed price for specific product variants. If a product variant is [published to the catalog](#step-4-unpublish-specific-products-to-restrict-them-from-sale) and doesn’t have a set fixed price, then its price is automatically calculated using the percentage-based adjustment that’s specified in the [`PriceListParent`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/objects/pricelistparent) object. > Warning: > The `priceListFixedPricesAdd` mutation accepts a maximum of 250 prices for each request and acts as an add and replace operation. If a fixed price for a given variant already exists on the price list, then it’s replaced.

### Delete fixed prices To delete a partial set of fixed prices on a price list, you can use the [`priceListFixedPricesDelete`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/mutations/priceListFixedPricesDelete) mutation. After a fixed price is deleted, the price for the affected product variant is automatically calculated using the price list parent's percentage-based adjustment. To delete fixed prices, you need to specify the variant ID. You can specify a maximum of 250 variant IDs in the array.

## Step 4: Unpublish specific products to restrict them from sale If there are specific products that must be restricted from sale in the market, then use the [`publicationUpdate`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/mutations/publicationupdate) mutation to remove them from the market’s publication. The `publicationUpdate` mutation allows you to republish a product to the market. > Note: > Market catalogs are just one part of the product publication story. Sales channels have their own publications that influence what products are available to a customer. Only products that are published in all applicable catalogs are available for purchase. > >For example, if a European customer uses the online store, then they can purchase a product that’s published both to the European market and to the Online Store channel. However, a product that’s unpublished in either the European market or the Online Store channel can’t be purchased by the customer.

## Step 5 (Optional): Delete a price list You can use the [`priceListDelete`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/mutations/priceListDelete) mutation to delete a price list so that it no longer applies for products in that market catalog. To delete a price list, you need to specify the price list ID. When deleting a `priceList`, all of the `priceListPrices` are also deleted. > Note: > If you delete a price list for a market using the API and then also use the Shopify admin to save an adjustment, then a new price list for the market is created.

## Step 6: Check the final results Catalogs are the building blocks to control pricing and product availability around the world. Once you’ve configured a catalog, you can check what a real customer will see by passing a specific country to the [`publishedInContext`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/objects/Product#field-product-publishedincontext) and [`contextualPricing`](/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/objects/ProductVariant#field-contextual-pricing) fields. This ability to query from a specific buyer’s perspective is especially useful when customizing pricing for multi-country markets. Even when you set a fixed price in a market’s default currency, the final price a customer sees might have been converted into their local currency. Learn more about [international pricing](/docs/apps/build/markets#international-pricing).

## Next steps - Learn [how to associate a price list and publication to a B2B catalog](/docs/apps/build/b2b/manage-catalogs). - Learn about [automatic and manual exchange rate conversion](