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More granular permissions for the Partner Dashboard


Effective January 18, 2021

Two new staff permissions have been added to the Partner Dashboard, giving you more granular control over what your organization’s staff members can access.

  • View referrals grants access to the Referrals page.
  • Manage affiliate campaigns grants access to the Affiliate tools page, and affiliate tools on the Referrals page. Staff members with this permission can also manage affiliate campaigns. This permission is available only to organizations that are part of the Shopify Affiliate Program.

Access to these features was previously controlled by the Manage shops permission. Staff members in your organization who have the Manage shops permission are granted View referrals as part of this update. If you are part of the Shopify Affiliate Program, then staff members who have the Manage shops permission are also granted the Manage affiliate campaigns permission as part of this update.

To learn more about staff permissions, visit the Shopify Help Center.