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New credit card fields added to Transaction's payment details


As of the 2023-01 release candidate in the Admin API, new fields are available under the REST Transaction payment_details property, and the GraphQL OrderTransaction includes a new payment_details property.

New fields added to REST Transaction payment_details

  • credit_card_name: The holder of the credit card.
  • credit_card_wallet: The wallet type where this credit card was retrieved from.
  • credit_card_expiration_month: The month in which the credit card expires.
  • credit_card_expiration_year: The year in which the credit card expires.

Learn more about the REST Transaction resource on

New paymentDetails property added to GraphQL OrderTransaction

A new field, payment_details, is available under the GraphQL OrderTransaction resource. The type of this field is PaymentDetails, a new union type. Only one type is available at the moment, CardPaymentDetails, which defines the following properties:

  • avsResultCode: The response code from the address verification system (AVS).
  • bin: The issuer identification number (IIN), formerly known as bank identification number (BIN) of the customer's credit card.
  • company: The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card.
  • cvvResultCode: The response code from the credit card company indicating whether the customer entered the card security code, or card verification value, correctly.
  • expirationMonth: The month in which the credit card expires.
  • expirationYear: The year in which the credit card expires.
  • name: The holder of the credit card.
  • number:  The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted.
  • wallet: Digital wallet used for the payment.

Learn more about the GraphQL OrderTransaction resource on