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Selling Plan API now supports pre-orders and try before you buy


As of GraphQL Admin API version 2022-07, we have expanded the Selling Plan API enabling you to integrate support for new deferred purchase options like pre-orders and try before you buy into the Shopify Checkout.

Use new fields such as SellingPlanInventoryPolicy, SellingPlanFixedBillingPolicy, and SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicy to create deferred purchase options using the sellingPlanGroupCreate mutation. This enables you to build more flexible and extensible apps that support various ways to sell and buy products built directly within Shopify Checkout, and are compatible with all of Shopify's platform features (including discounts, shipping, reporting, and payments).

Start developing new purchase option apps today! To learn more about building with these new purchase options and tooling, refer to our developer documentation.