# Set custom prices in draft orders — Shopify developer changelog --- ## Set custom prices in draft orders As of 2025-01, item prices on a draft order will automatically reflect the most current product price at checkout. Additionally, you can now set custom prices on draft order line items. When set, the prices will be locked and used as the basis for all further calculations, including taxes, discounts, order totals, etc. You can set the custom price on a line item using **draftOrderCreate**, **draftOrderUpdate**, and **draftOrderCalculate** by specifying **[lineItem.priceOverride](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2025-01/input-objects/DraftOrderLineItemInput#field-priceoverride)** in the GraphQL Admin API. *Published: December 11, 2024* Tags: API, New Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/set-custom-prices-in-draft-orders ---