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Find a product by its handle. Use product instead.

A unique string that identifies the product. Handles are automatically generated based on the product's title, and are always lowercase. Whitespace and special characters are replaced with a hyphen: -. If there are multiple consecutive whitespace or special characters, then they're replaced with a single hyphen. Whitespace or special characters at the beginning are removed. If a duplicate product title is used, then the handle is auto-incremented by one. For example, if you had two products called Potion, then their handles would be potion and potion-1. After a product has been created, changing the product title doesn't update the handle.

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Access requirements

A product represents an individual item for sale in a Shopify store. Products are often physical, but they don't have to be. For example, a digital download (such as a movie, music or ebook file) also qualifies as a product, as do services (such as equipment rental, work for hire, customization of another product or an extended warranty).

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Query reference
  productByHandle(handle) {
    # Product fields