Storefront filtering is the recommended method for filtering products in a theme. It allows merchants to [easily create filters]( for filtering collection and search results pages. Filters can be based on the following product and variant data: - Availability - Category - Price - Product tags - Product type - Vendor - Variant options - Metafields Filters are applied with `AND` logic, and filter values with `OR`. For example, you can return products that are a specific color _and_ a specific size, or you can return products that are one color _or_ another. When filters are applied, they're reflected in the collection or search URL through [URL parameters](#filter-url-parameters). ## Implementing storefront filtering Use the following resources to learn how to implement storefront filtering in your theme.

Support storefront filtering

Learn more about how to support storefront filtering in your theme.

Storefront filtering UX

Familiarize yourself with UX considerations for storefront filtering.

## Filter URL parameters Applied filters are reflected in the page URL with URL parameters based on the [filter type](#filter-types). These URL parameters have a [specific structure](#url-parameter-structure). > Note: > Before filters can be applied, they need to be created in the Shopify admin. ### URL parameter structure Filter URL parameters consist of the following components:
Component Required Description
filter Yes The default namespace for filter URL parameters.
filter_scope Yes

The scope of the filter. Can be either of the following:

  • p - To note that the scope is on the product level.
  • v - To note that the scope is on the variant level.
attribute Yes The attribute the filter is based on. To learn more about the available attributes, refer to Filter types.
attribute_scope No The attribute scope for option and price attributes. To learn more, refer to Variant-specific filters
value Yes The filter value. To learn more about the value format, refer to Filter types.
Depending on the filter `attribute`, the format of the URL parameter can be one of the following: ```text filter.filter_scope.attribute=value filter.filter_scope.attribute.attribute_scope=value ``` For example, if you had the following filters: - A filter based on the `shoes` product type - A filter based on the **Color** variant option, with a value of `red` Then the URL parameters for each would be the following: ```text filter.p.product_type=shoes filter.v.option.color=red ``` If these filters were applied to the `all` collection, then the collection URL would be the following: ```text /collections/all?filter.p.product_type=shoes&filter.v.option.color=red ``` #### Multiple filters You can have multiple filters like the following: ```text filter.v.option.color=red&filter.v.option.size=L ``` You can also filter on multiple values from the same filter. This can be done in two ways: - Include multiple values in a single parameter - Include a parameter for each value

### Filter types Filters can be applied at two levels: - [The product level](#product-specific-filters) - [The variant level](#variant-specific-filters) #### Product-specific filters The following outlines the product-specific filters and how they're reflected as a [URL parameter](#filter-url-parameters):
Name Description Parameter name Accepted parameter value
Category Filter based on specific product categories. t.category

A single category ID or a __ separated list of category ids

For example ,aa-1, or aa-1__aa-2.

Product tags Filter based on specific product tags. tag

A single product tag, or a comma-separated list of product tags.

For example new, or new,trending.

Product type Filter based on specific product types. product_type

A single product type, or a comma-separated list of product types.

For example shoes, or shoes,belts.

Vendor Filter based on specific vendors. vendor

A single vendor, or a comma-separated list of vendors.

For example vendor1, or vendor1,vendor2.


Filter based on a specific product metafield.

Metafield-based filters can reference metafields of the following types:

  • single_line_text_field
  • list.single_line_text_field
  • metaobject_reference
  • list.metaobject_reference
  • number_integer
  • number_decimal
  • boolean

Metafield-based filters also need to specify the metafield namespace and key for the attribute_scope component of the URL parameter structure.

For example, if your metafield has a namespace of custom and key of made_in, then the structure would look like the following:



A single metafield value, or a comma-separated list of metafield values.

For example, canada or canada,usa.

Note: A comma-separated list of metafield values is a list of individual metafield values, not a single metafield value that contains a comma-separated list.

> Note: > Users can create up to a maximum of 25 filters. The following is an example of the full URL parameter structure for the product-specific filters: ```text // Product tag filter.p.tag=new,trending // Product type filter.p.product_type=shoes // Product vendor filter.p.vendor=vendor1 // Product metafield filter.p.m.custom.made_in=canada ``` #### Variant-specific filters The following outlines the variant-specific filters and how they're reflected as a [URL parameter](#filter-url-parameters):
Name Description Parameter name Accepted parameter value
Availability Filter based on variant availability. availability

Either of the following:

  • 0 - Variants that are out of stock.
  • 1 - Variants that are in stock.
  • 0,1 - Variants of either stock status.
Variant option

Filter based on a variant option, such as Size or Color.

Variant option filters also need to specify the option name for the attribute_scope component of the URL parameter structure.

For example, option.color.


A single variant option value, or a comma-separated list of variant option values.

For example red, or red,blue.


Filter based on variant price.

Price filters also need to specify the price condition for the attribute_scope component of the URL parameter structure. The following are the accepted values:

  • lte - Based on prices less than, or equal to, the entered value.
  • gte - Based on prices greater than, or equal to, the entered value.

A single monetary value in the format of the shop's default currency.

For example 5 or 20.40.

Standard product attribute

Filter based on a product metafield generated for a standard product attribute that can be connected to product options.

Standard product attribute metafield-based filters reference standard metafields of type list.metaobject_reference.

Standard product attribute metafield-based filters also need to specify the shopify namespace and key for the attribute_scope component of the URL parameter structure.

For example, if your standard product attribute metafield has the key fabric, then the structure would look like t.shopify.fabric


A single metaobject GID, a comma-separated list of metaobject GIDs, a single taxonomy value GID, or a comma-separated list of taxonomy value GIDs

For example, gid://shopify/Metaobject/1 or gid://shopify/Metaobject/1, gid://shopify/Metaobject/3.


Filter based on a specific variant metafield.

Metafield-based filters can reference metafields of the following types:

  • single_line_text_field
  • list.single_line_text_field
  • metaobject_reference
  • list.metaobject_reference
  • number_integer
  • number_decimal
  • boolean

Metafield-based filters also need to specify the metafield namespace and key for the attribute_scope component of the URL parameter structure.

For example, if your metafield has a namespace of custom and key of fabric, then the structure would look like the following:



A single metafield value, or a comma-separated list of metafield values.

For example, leather or leather,suede.

Note: A comma-separated list of metafield values is a list of individual metafield values, not a single metafield value that contains a comma-separated list.

> Note: > Users can create up to a maximum of 25 filters. The following is an example of the full URL parameter structure for the variant-specific filters: ```text // Variant availability filter.v.availability=1 // Variant price filter.v.price.lte=5 // Variant option filter.v.option.color=red // Standard product attribute filter.v.t.shopify.fabric=gid://shopify/Metaobject/1 // Variant metafields filter.v.m.custom.fabric=leather ``` > Tip: > When variant-specific filters are applied, the `featured_media` and `url` attributes of the [`product` object](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product) are updated to reflect the first variant that matches the current filters. > > The `featured_media` attribute returns the featured media of the first matching variant with media included, and the `url` attribute is updated to [deep link](/docs/storefronts/themes/product-merchandising/variants#variant-deep-link-handling) the first matching variant.