Manage app reviews in the Shopify App Store

After a merchant installs your app, they can leave you a review. Positive reviews can encourage other merchants to use your app, increasing the number of installs. When your app is listed on the Shopify App Store, positive reviews cause your app to appear higher in search results and on category pages. Reviews also help you get featured on the Shopify App Store.

When a merchant leaves an app review, they rate it on a scale of 1 to 5 and have the option to leave a comment. To leave a review, the merchant must have your app installed on their store. After a merchant uninstalls an app, they have 45 days to leave a review before the privilege is revoked.

Some app listings have AI-powered review summaries. These help merchants understand an app's value based on other merchants' experiences. To qualify for an AI-powered review summary, your app needs at least 100 reviews containing body text, and at least a 4.0 rating. Review summaries aren't updated in real time, and can take up to 14 days to appear on the app listing.