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Additions to the GraphQL API for Shopify Payments payouts and balance transactions


We are introducing updates to our API that will enhance your experience and provide you with more flexibility:

  1. Support for Query Arguments on Payouts GraphQL Field:

    • You can now utilize Shopify's API search syntax to filter and sort payouts using the sortKey and savedSearchId parameters. This functionality allows you to efficiently search and organize payouts based on specific criteria such as ledger_type, status, amount, currency, and issued_at.
  2. Addition of Missing Attributes to ShopifyPaymentsBalanceTransaction GraphQL Object:

    • We have enriched the ShopifyPaymentsBalanceTransaction GraphQL object by introducing the following attributes:
      • source_id: Represents the ID of the resource that led to the transaction.
      • source_order_transaction_id: Indicates the ID of the Order Transaction that triggered the balance transaction. If the source_type is an adjustment, this value will be null.
      • adjustment_order_transactions: An array of associated order transactions that resulted in the balance transaction. If the source_type is not an adjustment, this array will be null. Each object in the array includes:
      • adjustment_reason: Specifies the reason for the adjustment associated with the transaction. If the source_type is not an adjustment, this value will be null.