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Changes to support requests for app charge refunds

As of May 3, 2023, merchants will be required to contact partners directly if they want to discuss or request a refund for an app. When a merchant contacts Shopify to request a refund for an app charge, Shopify Support will no longer reach out to partners on behalf of the merchant to facilitate their request.

This change will streamline the refund process, as refunds are at the partners’ discretion and partners have the ability to issue most refunds themselves. The exception is still reversals to pending charges. In this case, Shopify highly encourages partners to issue application credits, which Shopify Support can then apply to the invoice.

What’s not changing?

  • Other types of facilitated third party requests
  • Processing of reversals for pending charges once approved by the partner
  • Follow-ups on unresolved inquires from merchants
  • Assistance with bulk refunds, refunds over $1,000, and refunds older than 12 months

Please contact partner support with any questions about these changes.

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