# Collects API now returns only collects associated with custom collections.  — Shopify developer changelog
## Collects API now returns only collects associated with custom collections. 

With the release of the 2020-01 version of the REST Admin API, the Collects API will no longer return products associated with Smart Collections. A new API for returning products inside a collection was released along with a new API for returning a collection by its ID.

Learn more about the [changes](https://help.shopify.com/en/api/reference/products/collect?api[version]=2020-01) and [how to migrate to the new API](https://help.shopify.com/en/api/guides/collects-api) in the Shopify Help Center.

*Published: December 20, 2019*
Tags: API, Deprecation Announcement
Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/collects-api-now-returns-only-collects-associated-with-custom-collections
