# Deprecation of `storefrontCustomerAccessTokenCreate` Mutation — Shopify developer changelog
## Deprecation of `storefrontCustomerAccessTokenCreate` Mutation

As of API version `2025-01`, the `storefrontCustomerAccessTokenCreate` mutation is deprecated. This mutation, which was used to exchange the Customer Access Token in the `Authorization` header for a Storefront Customer Access Token, is no longer necessary. The Storefront API now directly supports Access Tokens from the Customer Accounts API via the `@inContext` [BuyerInput#customerAccessToken](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/input-objects/BuyerInput#field-customeraccesstoken), and can be used for cart creation and buyer updates.

**Migration Path:**
1. Obtain an access token using the OAuth2 specification. Detailed steps are available [here](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/customer#step-obtain-access-token). These steps are identical to those for obtaining an access token for the Customer Accounts API.
2. Use this access token directly with the Storefront API, replacing the deprecated `storefrontCustomerAccessTokenCreate` mutation.

This access token identifies your customer, enabling personalized features within the Storefront API.

For more information on the Customer Accounts API, visit [Shopify.dev](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/customer).

*Published: January 01, 2025*
Tags: API, Deprecation Announcement
Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/deprecation-of-storefrontcustomeraccesstokencreate-mutation
