# Introducing Payment Groups and Sessions to SubscriptionBillingAttempts — Shopify developer changelog --- ## Introducing Payment Groups and Sessions to SubscriptionBillingAttempts As of GraphQL Admin API version 2024-10, the SubscriptionBillingAttempt object will have two new fields: [payment_group_id](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/objects/SubscriptionBillingAttempt#field-paymentgroupid) and [payment_session_id](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/unstable/objects/SubscriptionBillingAttempt#field-paymentsessionid). This will allow your subscription apps to have better insights into how billing attempts correlate for merchant-facing statistics. The payment group is defined as: - Attempts belonged to the same subscription contract identity. - The attempts were all failures, or ended in a success. If two sequential successes occur with all the same attributes, then they're treated as separate groups. It can be used for correlated retried billing attempts together. The payment session for subscriptions is defined as: - Attempts used the same payment group - Attempts used the same payment method - Attempts used the same currency - Attempts were for the same amount We expect any merchant facing statistics regarding payment success rates to only show a single success or failure per payment_session_id. *Published: October 01, 2024* Tags: API, New Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/introducing-payment-groups-and-sessions-to-subscriptionbillingattempts ---