# Moving the Shop.assignedFulfillmentOrders connection to QueryRoot — Shopify developer changelog --- ## Moving the Shop.assignedFulfillmentOrders connection to QueryRoot As of the **2024-07** release of the admin GraphQL, you can access assigned fulfillment orders from `QueryRoot.assignedFulfillmentOrders` instead of the pre-existing `Shop.assignedFulfillmentOrders` connection. This change will include the deprecation of the `Shop.assignedFulfillmentOrders` query in favour of the newly added `QueryRoot.assignedFulfillmentOrders` This change aligns with direction of the admin API moving forward ensuring that domain primitives are available on `QueryRoot` and the `Shop` field is reserved for key information related to the shop in the scope of the request. You can learn more about assigned fulfillment orders [here](https://shopify.dev/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/objects/queryroot#connection-assignedfulfillmentorders). *Published: July 01, 2024* Tags: API, Deprecation Announcement Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/moving-the-shop-assignedfulfillmentorders-connection-to-queryroot ---