# New validation against duplicate variant IDs in productSet mutation input — Shopify developer changelog --- ## New validation against duplicate variant IDs in productSet mutation input As of the **2024-07** version of the Admin GraphQL API, the `id` field in the [ProductVariantSetInput](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/latest/input-objects/ProductVariantSetInput) will have validation to prevent duplicate values. This enhancement ensures that there are no collisions when updating variants. Learn more about [productSet](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/mutations/productSet) on [Shopify.dev](https://shopify.dev/). *Published: July 01, 2024* Tags: API, Update Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/new-validation-against-duplicate-variant-ids-in-productset-mutation-input ---