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Post-purchase fulfillment holds


Effective May 03, 2021

Action required

Orders that include a post-purchase offer may now have fulfillment holds on inventory. These holds occur after payment is accepted, before the customer decides whether they will add items to their order. Like an edited order, the fulfillable_quantity of line items on post-purchase eligible orders are subject to change before fulfillment.

A few things to note about orders with post-purchase offers:

  • When a customer places an order that qualifies for a post-purchase offer, any line items on an order will have a fulfillable_quantity of 0 while Shopify waits to see if there will be more items added to the order. The order fulfillment_status will be on_hold, and FulfillmentOrders in version ≥2021-07 will have a status of ON_HOLD. API versions before 2021-07 will return no FulfillmentOrders.
  • When a customer accepts a post-purchase offer or does not return to the post-purchase page for 60 minutes, the fulfillable_quantity will update to reflect the number of items that should be shipped. It is also possible that additional line items will appear on the order at this time. The order fulfillment_status will change to null. The FulfillmentOrder status will change to OPEN, and clients calling versions before 2021-07 will now be able to see FulfillmentOrders associated with the order.

The most reliable source of timely fulfillment data is the FulfillmentOrders endpoint, available in both REST and GraphQL. Clients calling the most recent version of FulfillmentOrders will always include all relevant, up-to-date information about fulfillments.

FulfillmentOrder GraphQL Reference FulfillmentOrder REST Reference

For more information on using Fulfillment Orders, visit our guide on managing fulfillment with Fulfillment and FulfillmentOrder resources.

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