# Property deprecations in the REST Admin API Order resource — Shopify developer changelog --- ## Property deprecations in the REST Admin API Order resource The following `customer` object properties on the REST Admin API's [Order](https://shopify.dev/api/admin-rest/2021-10/resources/order#top) resource are deprecated: * `last_order_id` * `last_order_name` * `orders_count` * `total_spent` These properties will still be available in the [Customer](https://shopify.dev/api/admin-rest/2021-10/resources/customer#top) resource. These deprecated properties will be removed from `unstable` in early 2022. The change will be made official in the `2022-04` REST Admin API version. *Published: December 21, 2021* Tags: API, Deprecation Announcement Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/property-deprecations-in-the-rest-admin-api-order-resource ---