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Enhanced the FulfillmentOrder API with additional Order details and FulfillmentOrderLineItem with financialSummaries


Effective January 01, 2024

As of REST and GraphQL API Version 2024-01 we have added more information to the FulfillmentOrder and FulfillmentOrderLineItem objects.

We've added the following fields to the FulfillmentOrder graphQL object: orderId, orderName, orderProcessedAt, channelId.

With this change, order information required to fulfill an order is accessible on the fulfillmentOrder object with any of the fulfillment_orders access scopes. The same data is available via fulfillmentOrder.order, but this requires read_orders access scope.

Additionally we've added the financialSummaries field to the FulfillmentOrderLineItem graphQL object. Within this field you have access to these subfields: approximateDiscountedUnitPriceSet, discountAllocations, originalUnitPriceSet and quantity. However, the quantity value on the FulfillmentOrderLineItem.financialSummaries reflects the quantity with respect to the FulfillmentOrderLineItem. The same data is available via the REST api when the query parameter include_financial_summaries=true is sent with the request.

With this change, order information required to calculate the financial specifics of an order is accessible via the fulfillmentOrder.lineItems connection with any of the fulfillment_orders access scopes. The same data is available via fulfillmentOrder.order.lineItems, but this requires read_orders access scope.

Learn more about FulfillmentOrder on and FulfillmentOrderLineItem on