As of 2024-04, fields that returned a count of resources will be removed and replaced with new count fields that have consistent API design and improved features.
API design and naming
Count fields are now standalone fields with a common naming pattern and their own arguments instead of being a field under a connection type.
query {
products(first: 0) {
query {
productsCount {
In the before example, the products connection field was overloaded with multiple behaviors (count and pagination) which caused confusion as to how, and if, arguments affected the resulting count.
With the new count fields, there's one clear behavior and it simplifies how field arguments affect the count.
Return type
Instead of varying Int or UnsignedInt64 return type, all count fields now return a Count object type with precision and count fields.
The new precision field indicates if a server limit was reached such that we returned early, reporting that there were "at least" n records.
For example, counting the number of products has a server limit of 10,000. If there were 42 products, the count object would look like { count: 42, precision: "EXACT" }. If there were 10,042 products, the count object would look like { count: 10000, precision: "AT_LEAST" }
Some count fields will now accept filter arguments matching that of a neighboring connection, such as products and productsCount.