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Anchor to TaxonomyCategoryConnection



An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple TaxonomyCategories.

Anchor to Fields with this connectionFields with this connection


Returns the categories of the product taxonomy based on the arguments provided. If a search argument is provided, then all categories that match the search query globally are returned. If a children_of argument is provided, then all children of the specified category are returned. If a siblings_of argument is provided, then all siblings of the specified category are returned. If a decendents_of argument is provided, then all descendents of the specified category are returned. If no arguments are provided, then all the top-level categories of the taxonomy are returned.

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The connection between the node and its parent. Each edge contains a minimum of the edge's cursor and the node.


A list of nodes that are contained in TaxonomyCategoryEdge. You can fetch data about an individual node, or you can follow the edges to fetch data about a collection of related nodes. At each node, you specify the fields that you want to retrieve.


An object that’s used to retrieve cursor information about the current page.

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