Anchor to DisplayableErrorDisplayable
Represents an error in the input of a mutation.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to fieldfield•
The path to the input field that caused the error.
- Anchor to messagemessage•String!non-null
The error message.
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Anchor to Types implemented inTypes implemented in
- Anchor to AbandonmentUpdateActivitiesDeliveryStatusesUserErrorAbandonment•
Update Activities Delivery Statuses User Error OBJECT - •OBJECT
- Anchor to CustomerPaymentMethodCreateFromDuplicationDataUserErrorCustomer•
Payment Method Create From Duplication Data User Error OBJECT - Anchor to CustomerPaymentMethodGetDuplicationDataUserErrorCustomer•
Payment Method Get Duplication Data User Error OBJECT - •OBJECT
- Anchor to FulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickupUserErrorFulfillment•
Order Line Items Prepared For Pickup User Error OBJECT - Anchor to FulfillmentOrdersSetFulfillmentDeadlineUserErrorFulfillment•
Orders Set Fulfillment Deadline User Error OBJECT - Anchor to PriceListFixedPricesByProductBulkUpdateUserErrorPrice•
List Fixed Prices By Product Bulk Update User Error OBJECT - Anchor to ProductVariantRelationshipBulkUpdateUserErrorProduct•
Variant Relationship Bulk Update User Error OBJECT - Anchor to ShopifyPaymentsPayoutAlternateCurrencyCreateUserErrorShopify•
Payments Payout Alternate Currency Create User Error OBJECT - •OBJECT
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"field": "",
"message": ""
"field": "",
"message": ""
interface DisplayableError {
field: [String!]
message: String!