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Requires write_products access scope. Also: The user must have a permission to duplicate a product.

Duplicates a product.

If you need to duplicate a large product, such as one that has many variants that are active at several locations, you might encounter timeout errors.

To avoid these timeout errors, you can instead duplicate the product asynchronously.

In API version 2024-10 and higher, include synchronous: false argument in this mutation to perform the duplication asynchronously.

In API version 2024-07 and lower, use the asynchronous ProductDuplicateAsyncV2.

Metafield values are not duplicated if the unique values capability is enabled.


Specifies whether or not to duplicate images.


Specifies whether or not to duplicate translations.

The new status of the product. If no value is provided the status will be inherited from the original product.


The new title of the product.


The ID of the product to be duplicated.

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Anchor to ProductDuplicatePayload returnsProductDuplicatePayload returns

The asynchronous job that duplicates the product images.

The duplicated product.


The user's shop.

The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.

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