Anchor to taxAppConfiguretax
Requires access scope. Also: The caller must be a tax calculations app.
Allows tax app configurations for tax partners.
Anchor to Arguments
- Anchor to readyready•Boolean!required
Configures whether the tax app is correctly configured and ready to be used.
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Anchor to TaxAppConfigurePayload returnsTaxAppConfigurePayload returns
- Anchor to taxAppConfigurationtax•
App Configuration The updated tax app configuration.
- Anchor to userErrorsuser•
Errors [TaxApp non-nullConfigure User Error!]! The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.
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Mutation Reference
1mutation taxAppConfigure($ready: Boolean!) {2 taxAppConfigure(ready: $ready) {3 taxAppConfiguration {4 # TaxAppConfiguration fields5 }6 userErrors {7 field8 message9 }10 }11}
1{2 "ready": true3}
"ready": true