Requires The staff member must have permission to manage app billing or approve app charges if authenticated with an online access token as described in
Store usage for app subscriptions with usage pricing.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the usage record was created.
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•String!non-null
The description of the app usage record.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to idempotencyKeyidempotency•
Key A unique key generated by the client to avoid duplicate charges.
- Anchor to priceprice•Money
V2! non-null The price of the usage record.
- Anchor to subscriptionLineItemsubscription•
Line Item AppSubscription non-nullLine Item! Defines the usage pricing plan the merchant is subscribed to.
Fields and connections with this object
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Enables an app to charge a store for features or services on a per-use basis. The usage charge value is counted towards the
limit that was specified in the
field when the app subscription was created. If you create an app usage charge that causes the total usage charges in a billing interval to exceed the capped amount, then a
Total price exceeds balance remaining
error is returned.