Requires access scope or
access scope. Also: The API client must be installed on a Shopify Plus store.
Represents information about a company which is also a customer of the shop.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to contactRolescontact•
Roles CompanyContact non-nullRole Connection! The list of roles for the company contacts.
- Anchor to contactscontacts•Company
Contact non-nullConnection! The list of contacts in the company.
- Anchor to contactsCountcontacts•
Count The number of contacts that belong to the company.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time (ISO 8601 format) at which the company was created in Shopify.
- Anchor to customerSincecustomer•
Since DateTime! non-null The date and time (ISO 8601 format) at which the company became the customer.
- Anchor to defaultCursordefault•
Cursor String!non-null A default cursor that returns the single next record, sorted ascending by ID.
- Anchor to defaultRoledefault•
Role The role proposed by default for a contact at the company.
- Anchor to draftOrdersdraft•
Orders DraftOrder non-nullConnection! The list of the company's draft orders.
- Anchor to eventsevents•Event
Connection! non-null The paginated list of events associated with the host subject.
- Anchor to externalIdexternal•
Id A unique externally-supplied ID for the company.
- Anchor to hasTimelineCommenthas•
Timeline Comment Boolean!non-null Whether the merchant added a timeline comment to the company.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to lifetimeDurationlifetime•
Duration String!non-null The lifetime duration of the company, since it became a customer of the shop. Examples:
2 days
,3 months
,1 year
.- Anchor to locationslocations•Company
Location non-nullConnection! The list of locations in the company.
- Anchor to locationsCountlocations•
Count The number of locations that belong to the company.
- Anchor to mainContactmain•
Contact The main contact for the company.
- Anchor to metafieldmetafield•
A custom field, including its
, that's associated with a Shopify resource for the purposes of adding and storing additional information.- Anchor to metafieldsmetafields•Metafield
Connection! non-null A list of custom fields that a merchant associates with a Shopify resource.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The name of the company.
- Anchor to notenote•
A note about the company.
- Anchor to ordersorders•Order
Connection! non-null The list of the company's orders.
- Anchor to ordersCountorders•
Count The total number of orders placed for this company, across all its locations.
- Anchor to totalSpenttotal•
Spent MoneyV2! non-null The total amount spent by this company, across all its locations.
- Anchor to updatedAtupdated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time (ISO 8601 format) at which the company was last modified.
Fields and connections with this object
- CompanyConnection.nodes
- CompanyEdge.node
Possible type in
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns the list of companies in the shop.
- •query
Returns a
object by ID.
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Assigns the main contact for the company.
- •mutation
Creates a company.
- •mutation
Revokes the main contact from the company.
- •mutation
Updates a company.
Company Mutations
Anchor to InterfacesInterfaces
- •interface
- •interface
- •interface
- •interface
- •interface