Requires access scope.
The line item for a draft order.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to appliedDiscountapplied•
Discount The custom applied discount.
- Anchor to customcustom•Boolean!non-null
Whether the line item is custom (
) or contains a product variant (false
).- Anchor to customAttributescustom•
Attributes [Attribute!]!non-null A list of attributes that represent custom features or special requests.
- Anchor to customAttributesV2custom•
Attributes V2 [TypedAttribute!]! non-null The list of additional information (metafields) with the associated types.
- Anchor to discountedTotalSetdiscounted•
Total Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price with discounts applied.
- Anchor to discountedUnitPriceSetdiscounted•
Unit Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The unit price with discounts applied.
- Anchor to fulfillmentServicefulfillment•
Service Name of the service provider who fulfilled the order.
Valid values are either manual or the name of the provider. For example, amazon, shipwire.
Deleted fulfillment services will return null.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to imageimage•
The image of the product variant.
- Anchor to isGiftCardis•
Gift Card Boolean!non-null Whether the line item represents the purchase of a gift card.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The name of the product.
- Anchor to originalTotalSetoriginal•
Total Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price excluding discounts, equal to the original unit price multiplied by quantity.
- Anchor to originalUnitPriceSetoriginal•
Unit Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The price without any discounts applied.
- Anchor to productproduct•
The product for the line item.
- Anchor to quantityquantity•Int!non-null
The quantity of items. For a bundle item, this is the quantity of bundles, not the quantity of items contained in the bundles themselves.
- Anchor to requiresShippingrequires•
Shipping Boolean!non-null Whether physical shipping is required for the variant.
- •
The SKU number of the product variant.
- Anchor to taxabletaxable•Boolean!non-null
Whether the variant is taxable.
- Anchor to taxLinestax•
Lines [TaxLine!]! non-null A list of tax lines.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The title of the product or variant. This field only applies to custom line items.
- Anchor to totalDiscountSettotal•
Discount Set MoneyBag! non-null The total discount amount.
- Anchor to variantvariant•
The product variant for the line item.
- Anchor to variantTitlevariant•
Title The name of the variant.
- Anchor to vendorvendor•
The name of the vendor who created the product variant.
- Anchor to weightweight•
The weight unit and value.