An alert message that appears in the Shopify admin about a problem with a store resource, with 1 or more actions to take. For example, you could use an alert to indicate that you're not charging taxes on some product variants. They can optionally have a specific icon and be dismissed by merchants.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to actionsactions•[Resource
Alert non-nullAction!]! Buttons in the alert that link to related information. For example, Edit variants.
- Anchor to contentcontent•HTML!non-null
The secondary text in the alert that includes further information or instructions about how to solve a problem.
- Anchor to dismissibleHandledismissible•
Handle Unique identifier that appears when an alert is manually closed by the merchant. Most alerts can't be manually closed.
- Anchor to iconicon•
An icon that's optionally displayed with the alert.
- Anchor to severityseverity•Resource
Alert non-nullSeverity! Indication of how important the alert is.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The primary text in the alert that includes information or describes the problem.