Requires access scope.
A return line item.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to customerNotecustomer•
Note A note from the customer that describes the item to be returned. Maximum length: 300 characters.
- Anchor to fulfillmentLineItemfulfillment•
Line Item FulfillmentLine non-nullItem! The fulfillment line item from which items are returned.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to quantityquantity•Int!non-null
The quantity being returned.
- Anchor to refundableQuantityrefundable•
Quantity Int!non-null The quantity that can be refunded.
- Anchor to refundedQuantityrefunded•
Quantity Int!non-null The quantity that was refunded.
- Anchor to restockingFeerestocking•
Fee The restocking fee for the return line item.
- Anchor to returnReasonreturn•
Reason ReturnReason! non-null The reason for returning the item.
- Anchor to returnReasonNotereturn•
Reason Note String!non-null Additional information about the reason for the return. Maximum length: 255 characters.
- Anchor to totalWeighttotal•
Weight The total weight of the item.
- Anchor to withCodeDiscountedTotalPriceSetwith•
Code Discounted Total Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The total line price after all discounts on the line item, including both line item level discounts and code-based line item discounts, are applied.