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Requires read_returns access scope.

A reverse delivery is a post-fulfillment object that represents a buyer sending a package to a merchant. For example, a buyer requests a return, and a merchant sends the buyer a shipping label. The reverse delivery contains the context of the items sent back, how they're being sent back (for example, a shipping label), and the current state of the delivery (tracking information).

Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections

The deliverable associated with the reverse delivery.


The ID of the reverse delivery.

Anchor to reverseDeliveryLineItemsreverseDeliveryLineItems

The reverse delivery line items attached to the reverse delivery.

Anchor to reverseFulfillmentOrderreverseFulfillmentOrder

The ReverseFulfillmentOrder associated with the reverse delivery.

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Lookup a reverse delivery by ID.

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Creates a new reverse delivery with associated external shipping information.


Updates a reverse delivery with associated external shipping information.

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