Represents the shipping details that the customer chose for their order.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to carrierIdentifiercarrier•
Identifier A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service.
- Anchor to codecode•
A reference to the shipping method.
- Anchor to customcustom•Boolean!non-null
Whether the shipping line is custom or not.
- Anchor to deliveryCategorydelivery•
Category The general classification of the delivery method.
- Anchor to discountAllocationsdiscount•
Allocations [DiscountAllocation!]! non-null The discounts that have been allocated to the shipping line.
- Anchor to discountedPriceSetdiscounted•
Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The shipping price after applying discounts. If the parent order.taxesIncluded field is true, then this price includes taxes. If not, it's the pre-tax price. As of API version 2024-07, this will be calculated including cart level discounts, such as the free shipping discount.
- •
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to isRemovedis•
Removed Boolean!non-null Whether the shipping line has been removed.
- Anchor to originalPriceSetoriginal•
Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied.
- Anchor to phonephone•
The phone number at the shipping address.
- Anchor to shippingRateHandleshipping•
Rate Handle A unique identifier for the shipping rate. The format can change without notice and isn't meant to be shown to users.
- Anchor to sourcesource•
Returns the rate source for the shipping line.
- Anchor to taxLinestax•
Lines [TaxLine!]! non-null The TaxLine objects connected to this shipping line.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
Returns the title of the shipping line.