Requires access scope.
The evidence associated with the dispute.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to accessActivityLogaccess•
Activity Log The activity logs associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to billingAddressbilling•
Address The billing address that's provided by the customer.
- Anchor to cancellationPolicyDisclosurecancellation•
Policy Disclosure The cancellation policy disclosure associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to cancellationPolicyFilecancellation•
Policy File The cancellation policy file associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to cancellationRebuttalcancellation•
Rebuttal The cancellation rebuttal associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to customerCommunicationFilecustomer•
Communication File The customer communication file associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to customerEmailAddresscustomer•
Email Address The customer's email address.
- Anchor to customerFirstNamecustomer•
First Name The customer's first name.
- Anchor to customerLastNamecustomer•
Last Name The customer's last name.
- Anchor to customerPurchaseIpcustomer•
Purchase Ip The customer purchase ip for this dispute evidence.
- Anchor to disputedispute•Shopify
Payments non-nullDispute! The dispute associated with the evidence.
- Anchor to disputeFileUploadsdispute•
File Uploads The file uploads associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to fulfillmentsfulfillments•
The fulfillments associated with the dispute evidence.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to productDescriptionproduct•
Description The product description for this dispute evidence.
- Anchor to refundPolicyDisclosurerefund•
Policy Disclosure The refund policy disclosure associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to refundPolicyFilerefund•
Policy File The refund policy file associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to refundRefusalExplanationrefund•
Refusal Explanation The refund refusal explanation associated with dispute evidence.
- Anchor to serviceDocumentationFileservice•
Documentation File The service documentation file associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to shippingAddressshipping•
Address The mailing address for shipping that's provided by the customer.
- Anchor to shippingDocumentationFileshipping•
Documentation File The shipping documentation file associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to submittedsubmitted•Boolean!non-null
Whether the dispute evidence is submitted.
- Anchor to uncategorizedFileuncategorized•
File The uncategorized file associated with the dispute evidence.
- Anchor to uncategorizedTextuncategorized•
Text The uncategorized text for the dispute evidence.
No referencing types
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns dispute evidence details based on ID.