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Anchor to ShopifyPaymentsDisputeEvidence



Requires read_shopify_payments_dispute_evidences access scope.

The evidence associated with the dispute.


The activity logs associated with the dispute evidence.


The billing address that's provided by the customer.

Anchor to cancellationPolicyDisclosurecancellationPolicyDisclosure

The cancellation policy disclosure associated with the dispute evidence.

Anchor to cancellationPolicyFilecancellationPolicyFile

The cancellation policy file associated with the dispute evidence.

Anchor to cancellationRebuttalcancellationRebuttal

The cancellation rebuttal associated with the dispute evidence.

Anchor to customerCommunicationFilecustomerCommunicationFile

The customer communication file associated with the dispute evidence.

Anchor to customerEmailAddresscustomerEmailAddress

The customer's email address.


The customer's first name.


The customer's last name.


The customer purchase ip for this dispute evidence.


The dispute associated with the evidence.


The file uploads associated with the dispute evidence.


The fulfillments associated with the dispute evidence.


A globally-unique ID.


The product description for this dispute evidence.

Anchor to refundPolicyDisclosurerefundPolicyDisclosure

The refund policy disclosure associated with the dispute evidence.


The refund policy file associated with the dispute evidence.

Anchor to refundRefusalExplanationrefundRefusalExplanation

The refund refusal explanation associated with dispute evidence.

Anchor to serviceDocumentationFileserviceDocumentationFile

The service documentation file associated with the dispute evidence.


The mailing address for shipping that's provided by the customer.

Anchor to shippingDocumentationFileshippingDocumentationFile

The shipping documentation file associated with the dispute evidence.


Whether the dispute evidence is submitted.


The uncategorized file associated with the dispute evidence.


The uncategorized text for the dispute evidence.

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Returns dispute evidence details based on ID.

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Updates a dispute evidence.

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