Requires access scope.
Represents a fixed selling plan delivery policy.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to anchorsanchors•[Selling
Plan non-nullAnchor!]! The specific anchor dates upon which the delivery interval calculations should be made.
- Anchor to cutoffcutoff•
A buffer period for orders to be included in next fulfillment anchor.
- Anchor to fulfillmentExactTimefulfillment•
Exact Time The date and time when the fulfillment should trigger.
- Anchor to fulfillmentTriggerfulfillment•
Trigger SellingPlan non-nullFulfillment Trigger! What triggers the fulfillment. The value must be one of ANCHOR, ASAP, EXACT_TIME, or UNKNOWN.
- Anchor to intentintent•
Whether the delivery policy is merchant or buyer-centric. Buyer-centric delivery policies state the time when the buyer will receive the goods. Merchant-centric delivery policies state the time when the fulfillment should be started. Currently, only merchant-centric delivery policies are supported.
- Anchor to preAnchorBehaviorpre•
Anchor Behavior The fulfillment or delivery behavior of the first fulfillment when the order is placed before the anchor. The default value for this field is