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Anchor to webhookSubscriptions



Returns a list of webhook subscriptions.

Building an app? If you only use app-specific webhooks, you won't need this. App-specific webhook subscriptions specified in your may be easier. They are automatically kept up to date by Shopify & require less maintenance. Please read About managing webhook subscriptions.

Anchor to Arguments

WebhookSubscriptionConnection arguments


The elements that come after the specified cursor.

The elements that come before the specified cursor.

Callback URL to filter by.

The first n elements from the paginated list.

Response format to filter by.

The last n elements from the paginated list.

A filter made up of terms, connectives, modifiers, and comparators. You can apply one or more filters to a query. Learn more about Shopify API search syntax.

Anchor to created_at

Filter by id range.


  • id:1234
  • id:>=1234
  • id:<=1234
Anchor to updated_at

Reverse the order of the underlying list.


Sort the underlying list using a key. If your query is slow or returns an error, then try specifying a sort key that matches the field used in the search.

List of webhook subscription topics to filter by.

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The connection between the node and its parent. Each edge contains a minimum of the edge's cursor and the node.

A list of nodes that are contained in WebhookSubscriptionEdge. You can fetch data about an individual node, or you can follow the edges to fetch data about a collection of related nodes. At each node, you specify the fields that you want to retrieve.


An object that’s used to retrieve cursor information about the current page.

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