Anchor to String
Represents textual data as UTF-8 character sequences. This type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
Fields and connections with this scalar
- Abandoned
Checkout.defaultCursor - Abandoned
Checkout Line Item.sku - Abandoned
Checkout Line Item.title - Abandoned
Checkout Line Item.variantTitle - Abandoned
Checkout Line Item Edge.cursor - Abandonment
Email State Update User Error.field - Abandonment
Email State Update User Error.message - Abandonment
Update Activities Delivery Statuses User Error.field - Abandonment
Update Activities Delivery Statuses User Error.message - Access
Scope.description - Access
Scope.handle - Additional - Api
Version.displayName - Api
Version.handle - App.apiKey
- App.description
- App.developerName
- App.features
- App.handle
- App.pricingDetails
- App.pricingDetailsSummary
- App.title
- App.uninstallMessage
- App.webhookApiVersion
- App
Catalog.title - App
Credit.description - App
Credit Edge.cursor - App
Discount Type.appKey - App
Discount Type.description - App
Discount Type.functionId
Inputs with this scalar
- App
Usage Pricing Input.terms - Attribute
Input.key - Attribute
Input.value - Catalog
Create Input.title - Catalog
Update Input.title - Checkout
Branding Button Color Roles Input.background - Checkout
Branding Button Color Roles Input.text - Checkout
Branding Button Color Roles Input.border - Checkout
Branding Button Color Roles Input.icon - Checkout
Branding Button Color Roles Input.accent - Checkout
Branding Button Color Roles Input.decorative - Checkout
Branding Color Global - Checkout
Branding Color Global Input.success - Checkout
Branding Color Global Input.warning - Checkout
Branding Color Global Input.critical - Checkout
Branding Color Global Input.brand - Checkout
Branding Color Global Input.accent - Checkout
Branding Color Global Input.decorative - Checkout
Branding Color Roles Input.background - Checkout
Branding Color Roles Input.text - Checkout
Branding Color Roles Input.border - Checkout
Branding Color Roles Input.icon - Checkout
Branding Color Roles Input.accent - Checkout
Branding Color Roles Input.decorative - Checkout
Branding Control Color Roles Input.background - Checkout
Branding Control Color Roles Input.text - Checkout
Branding Control Color Roles Input.border - Checkout
Branding Control Color Roles Input.icon - Checkout
Branding Control Color Roles Input.accent - Checkout
Branding Control Color Roles Input.decorative
Mutations with this scalar
- abandonment
Email State Update - abandonment
Update Activities Delivery Statuses - app
Purchase One Time Create - app
Subscription Create - app
Usage Record Create - app
Usage Record Create - bulk
Operation Run Mutation - bulk
Operation Run Mutation - bulk
Operation Run Mutation - bulk
Operation Run Query - cart
Transform Create - company
Location Create Tax Registration - customer
Payment Method Credit Card Create - customer
Payment Method Credit Card Update - customer
Payment Method Paypal Billing Agreement Create - customer
Payment Method Remote Credit Card Create - customer
Payment Method Remote Credit Card Create - delegate
Access Token Destroy - discount
Automatic Bulk Delete - discount
Code Bulk Activate - discount
Code Bulk Deactivate - discount
Code Bulk Delete - discount
Code Redeem Code Bulk Delete - draft
Order Bulk Add Tags - draft
Order Bulk Add Tags - draft
Order Bulk Delete - draft
Order Bulk Remove Tags - draft
Order Bulk Remove Tags - draft
Order Complete - flow
Trigger Receive
Queries with this scalar
- app
By Handle.handle - app
By Key.apiKey - app
Discount Type.functionId - app
Installations.after - app
Installations.before - automatic
Discount Nodes.after - automatic
Discount Nodes.before - automatic
Discount Nodes.query - automatic
Discount Saved Searches.after - automatic
Discount Saved Searches.before - automatic
Discounts.after - automatic
Discounts.before - automatic
Discounts.query - cart
Transforms.after - cart
Transforms.before - cash
Tracking Sessions.after - cash
Tracking Sessions.before - cash
Tracking Sessions.query - catalogs.after
- catalogs.before
- catalogs.query
- catalogs
Count.query - channels.after
- channels.before
- checkout
Profiles.after - checkout
Profiles.before - checkout
Profiles.query - code
Discount Node By Code.code - code
Discount Nodes.after - code
Discount Nodes.before
Arguments with this scalar
- Abandoned
Checkout.lineItems(after) - Abandoned
Checkout.lineItems(before) - Abandonment.productsAddedToCart(after)
- Abandonment.productsAddedToCart(before)
- Abandonment.productsViewed(after)
- Abandonment.productsViewed(before)
- App
Catalog.apps(after) - App
Catalog.apps(before) - App
Installation.metafield(namespace) - App
Installation.metafield(key) - App
Installation.allSubscriptions(after) - App
Installation.allSubscriptions(before) - App
Installation.credits(after) - App
Installation.credits(before) - App
Installation.metafields(namespace) - App
Installation.metafields(keys) - App
Installation.metafields(after) - App
Installation.metafields(before) - App
Installation.oneTimePurchases(after) - App
Installation.oneTimePurchases(before) - App
Installation.revenueAttributionRecords(after) - App
Installation.revenueAttributionRecords(before) - App
Subscription Line Item.usageRecords(after) - App
Subscription Line Item.usageRecords(before) - Calculated
Order.addedDiscountApplications(after) - Calculated
Order.addedDiscountApplications(before) - Calculated
Order.addedLineItems(after) - Calculated
Order.addedLineItems(before) - Calculated
Order.lineItems(after) - Calculated