CheckoutBrandingColorSchemesInput - admin-graphql - INPUT_OBJECT
Version: 2024-07
The input fields for the color schemes.
Access Scopes
scheme1 :
CheckoutBrandingColorSchemeInput -
The primary scheme. By default, it’s used for the main area of the interface.
scheme2 :
CheckoutBrandingColorSchemeInput -
The secondary scheme. By default, it’s used for secondary areas, like Checkout’s Order Summary.
scheme3 :
CheckoutBrandingColorSchemeInput -
An extra scheme available to customize more surfaces, components or specific states of the user interface.
scheme4 :
CheckoutBrandingColorSchemeInput -
An extra scheme available to customize more surfaces, components or specific states of the user interface.
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Choose a version: Unstable 2025-04 release candidate 2025-01 latest 2024-10 2024-07 2024-04
The input fields for the color schemes.
The primary scheme. By default, it’s used for the main area of the interface.
The secondary scheme. By default, it’s used for secondary areas, like Checkout’s Order Summary.
An extra scheme available to customize more surfaces, components or specific states of the user interface.
An extra scheme available to customize more surfaces, components or specific states of the user interface.
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The input to define color schemes which apply to different areas of the user interface.
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