Provides users access to services and/or features for a duration of time.

The date and time when the app subscription was created.

The date and time when the current app subscription period ends. Returns null if the subscription isn't active.

A globally-unique ID.

The plans attached to the app subscription.

The name of the app subscription.

The URL that the merchant is redirected to after approving the app subscription.

The status of the app subscription.

Specifies whether the app subscription is a test transaction.

The number of free trial days, starting at the subscription's creation date, by which billing is delayed.

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Fields and connections from


Cancels an app subscription on a store.

Allows an app to charge a store for features or services on a recurring basis.

Updates the capped amount on the usage pricing plan of an app subscription line item.

Extends the trial of an app subscription.

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AppSubscription Implements
