# RefundLineItemInput - admin-graphql - INPUT_OBJECT Version: 2024-10 ## Description The input fields required to reimburse line items on a refund. ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [lineItemId](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/scalars/ID): ID! - The ID of the line item in the refund. * [locationId](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/scalars/ID): ID - The intended location for restocking. If the `restockType` is set to `NO_RESTOCK`, then this value is empty. * [quantity](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/scalars/Int): Int! - The quantity of the associated line item to be refunded. * [restockType](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/enums/RefundLineItemRestockType): RefundLineItemRestockType - The type of restock for this line item. ## Input objects with this input object * [Order](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/arguments/Order) * [RefundInput](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/input-objects/RefundInput) ## Examples